This Hyderabad Couple Converts ‘Dead’ Plastic to Petrol

Wednesday 19 July 2017

This Hyderabad Couple Converts ‘Dead’ Plastic to Petrol

For over a year now, 45-year-old Satish, a long-time resident of Hyderabad, has been involved in turning 'dead' plastic, into usable fuel.
“When plastic is made, it gets a life of four or five cycles. That's what they call recycled plastic. However, after repeating the process a few times, it gains weight and it loses its properties. Then it is called 'dead' plastic or end-of-life plastic," Satish says.
                1. The reactor where plastic is depolymerised.

2. ‘Dead’ plastic waiting to be processed.

3.After the reactions, the products are transferred to barrels marked red (diesel), blue (high-speed diesel) and black (petrol).  

4.Satish shows a sample of fresh high-speed diesel.

4. The final products. 


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